If you haven’t already, please meet our delightful Retreat Manager, Katlyn.

Katlyn has been with us at Gwinganna for over 13 years and has evolved with us in her numerous roles at our retreat.

Before settling in at Gwinganna, Katlyn worked as an international personal and group fitness trainer as well as being Club Manager in places like America, Thailand and the UK.

Katlyn’s passion and unparalleled energy make her a vital part of our team. 

In her role as Retreat Manager, you may have seen Katlyn moving nimbly across the Gwinganna grounds managing and overseeing the activities and seminars.


Why Katlyn loves working at Gwinganna

As the manager of program activities, an instructor (class leader) and qualified naturopath, Katlyn is well known to our guests and much loved for her contagious enthusiasm.

We asked Katlyn why she loves working at Gwinganna and her response was:

“Of all the activities on offer, I have always loved the bushwalks. The landscape changes with the seasons and the air is always so fresh. 

It’s also about the extraordinary transformations we see with our guests. Our programs are life-changing and I see this each and every week.”

She is also incredibly inspired by our Wellness Seminars.

“I always learn something or am reminded to implement something into my own wellness plan. With exceptional presenters who are leaders in their field, it’s wonderful to see how we help guests understand more about their bodies and minds each week.”


What is it about Gwinganna that makes Katlyn stay?

For Katlyn, there are some key reasons she chooses to continue here as an essential team member at Gwinganna.

“For me, it's the property, the trees, the philosophy and the energy and authenticity of the people here. 

When I return to the retreat after being in a big city, I can appreciate what the guests see each day. A space of calm.

I look forward to seeing you at Gwinganna.”


If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to meet our Organic Gardener, Shelley Pryor.