Here are some things to look out for when it comes to your gut health, a few ways to address the issues and some possible solutions you may like to try.
Some common symptoms of poor gut health include:
Constipation, Diarrhoea, Bloating, HeartBurn or even signs of Colic.
And less common symptoms are: Low Iron, Thyroid issues, Hormonal issues and Skin issues.
Keys that assist to address what the issues could be:
- Having your blood pathology (blood work) will help in providing “markers” for your practitioner.
- Testing the gut function (Micro Biomes) via stool sample
- Testing your Food Allergens / intolerances will help look at what foods are becoming reactive for people
Some possible solutions:
- Eat an anti-inflammatory diet
- Removing inflammatory foods such as Cow's Dairy, Gluten, Sugar, Eggs
- Removing alcohol
- Introducing more plant based foods (fruits & vegetables)
- Reducing stress and getting more sleep
Working with a Health Professional is a great way to guide you through a step by step process to achieve a healthier gut and you can always chat to the team at Gwinganna about the Signature 7 Day program which includes a focus on adrenal restoration, gut health and liver function.
Shannon McNeill