Dr Karen Coates

A great night sleep will:

  • Improve our ability to cultivate energy for the next day.
  • It gives the body a chance to clean our cells making us prepared for potential toxic invasion during our day
  • It allows the body to do reparative and restorative work to keep our bodies in good shape for the next day, week and month. 

Tips to achieve a good night sleep:


  • Aim for 7- 8 hours sleep
  • Turn off your wifi
  • Turn off the smartphone or laptop prior to hopping into bed – a natural lead into sleep is very important
  • If you or your significant other snores - this will need to be addressed. Sleep apnoea has serious medical ramifications.
  • Reduce stress where possible
  • Create a bedtime routine
  • To assist you in periods of insomnia – herbal or natural remedies are a good first option to explore for support. If this does not work, see your doctor to discuss a possible alternative that will break the cycle you find yourself in.

Remember: Sometimes we’re so frightened of not sleeping, that it’s the fear of not sleeping that stops us from sleeping that night.